Our translation memory is built by analyzing over 500K iOS repositories, Apple Glot, and other open-source resources. Once we find a possible translation, we wait to see if we find any additional matching translations before we accept that translation as a verified answer. As users contribute their own translations, verify community provided translations, or volunteer to improve our coverage, the quality of translations will continue to grow.
Yes! While my main focus is to grow the existing database and coverage, I'm concurrently working on adding Android localization support.
Additionally, I'll release a command line utility soon so Localizer can integrate directly with your existing development flow.
My approach is simply that there's safety in numbers. We've considered almost 500K repositories and open-source translation resources in creating our translation memory. If we found recurring translations for the same phrase, we're able to increase our confidence about its accuracy. In other words, the more often we find repeating translations for a given phrase, the higher authority that translation has.
This is indicated by the green, yellow, and red colored dots that accompany the translations.
As our community provides more translations and works to verify existing ones, the accurancy of our translations will continue to increase.
We'll get back to you as soon as possible!